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Layout A

US Air Force tests ‘Super Squadron’ concept in South Korea

The U.S. 7th Air Force has announced the temporary assignment of 31 F-16 fighter jets to Osan Air Base in Pyeongtaek, South Korea. The Air Force said in a release that this initiative, set to last for a year, aims to test the impacts on sortie generation, manpower, maintenance, and...

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The Hamas “Idea” or Something Else Forward?

By Arie W. Kruglanski and Joel Singer SYNOPSIS A common criticism of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza is that Hamas is an idea, and because an idea cannot be defeated, it is futile to fight Hamas. Yet, it is possible to envisage, with a multi-national approach, an alternative way...

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Layout A2

Layout A3

By Arie W. Kruglanski and Joel Singer SYNOPSIS A common criticism of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza is that Hamas is an idea, and because an idea cannot be defeated, it is futile to fight Hamas. Yet, it is possible to envisage, with a multi...

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Layout B

Layout B1

Have Coffee, … will let the days pass

Paris/Jakarta (24/7 – 28.57).   “Coffee is the common man’s gold, and like gold, it brings to every person the feeling of luxury and nobility...

Layout C


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