The tranquil towns of Rameswaram and Dhanushkodi in Tamil Nadu, steeped in mythological significance, have recently found themselves under the spotlight. These...
ASTANA – The Kazakh Prosecutor General’s Office signed a Cooperation Program with the Ministry of Justice of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Jan. 25 to...
Venerable Murutthettuwe Ananda Thera, the Chancellor at the University of Colombo, Chief Sangha Leader of the Western Province, and President of the Public...
President Kassym-Joomart Tokayev approved the new government of Kazakhstan under the leadership of Olzhas Bektenov. The names of the ministers were published...
Rustam Emomali is increasingly the face of his country on the international stage On January 29, China signed off on an agreement to hand Tajikistan...