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Press Release: Asean Single Window Symposium

Press Release:

ASEAN Single Window Symposium –

Targets Expanded Trade, Learning from Trader Survey Findings

JAKARTA, April 4, 2023 –– Today, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) held the sixth ASEAN Single Window (ASW) Symposium, bringing together over 200 government officials and private sector leaders to discuss ways to improve and expand the reach of the ASW platform to bolster trade across the Pacific. The virtual forum, titled “Reflecting on Progress and Looking toward the Future,” showcased ASW achievements, provided updates on priority activities undertaken in 2022, and identified shared goals for 2023.

The ASEAN Single Window is a regional electronic platform, made possible with support from USAID, to promote economic integration and connectivity through expedited electronic exchanges of trade-related documents among ASEAN member states. To date, this effort has led to an estimated $4 billion in cost savings for ASEAN-based traders and cut transit times by an average of four days.

“I would like to express my sincere gratitude to ASEAN Single Window Steering Committee and USAID for their partnership at this pivotal event, which serves as a platform for ASEAN government officials, trade experts, and the private sector to share their views, insights, and recommendations on the best practices of trade digitalization. This symposium serves as a catalyst for further collaboration on how we can continue to enhance our trade digitalization efforts,” said Dr. Lan in his opening remarks.

“The United States is proud to work together with ASEAN to help its members operationalize the ASEAN Single Window, and we are excited about the future that includes further integrating ASEAN’s single window with the single window in the United States.” said Kate Rebholz, Chargé d’Affaires, a.i. of the U.S. Mission to ASEAN.

In her opening remarks, Chargé Rebholz also noted that the ASW Symposium helps showcase successful efforts to facilitate regional trade and provides an opportunity to hear directly from public and private sector stakeholders whose opinions, captured in the USAID-supported ASEAN Trader Survey, help ensure that the ASEAN Single Window continues to promote ease-of-trade.

Symposium participants discussed how ASEAN can meet its goal of transitioning completely to electronic certificates of origin through the ASW and link additional national single window systems beyond ASEAN to further reduce transaction costs and enhance trade connectivity in the Indo-Pacific region.

The United States, through USAID, has long supported and prioritized the development of the ASW. USAID’s $13 million investment over 15 years for the ASW has increased transparency, saved time and money, decreased bureaucratic paperwork, and reduced the risks of fraud and abuse to foster inclusive economic growth in the region.

Source: Asean US Mission
