Home » China’s Huge, Stealth-Capable Drone Submarine

China’s Huge, Stealth-Capable Drone Submarine

recent report in Naval News, a publication focusing on global naval developments, said that an image displayed by the Chinese shipbuilding organization CSSC 705 Institute illustrates an XLUUV largely in line with some of the vehicles that have previously been seen in China on satellite imagery. 

The report suggests China’s XLUUV (extra-large uncrewed underwater vehicle) is armed with torpedoes. The report added that this is a significant advancement in this area, and when combined with a large-scale development program, China may be able to outpace the West. 

However, it has four torpedo tubes, indicating a load of offensive armaments, which Western designs have lacked until now. 

Design-wise, the Chinese XLUUV is identical to the Boeing Orca used by the US Navy, but it has four torpedo tubes, implying an offensive capability. 

source: eurasiantimes
