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Kazakhstan, UAE Foster Cooperation in Crime Prevention

ASTANA – The Kazakh Prosecutor General’s Office signed a Cooperation Program with the Ministry of Justice of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Jan. 25 to reinforce international collaboration in crime combating, reported the office’s press service.

Kazakh Prosecutor General Berik Asylov signed the document at a meeting with UAE Minister of Justice Abdullah bin Sultan bin Awad Al Nuaimi and Attorney General Hamad Saif Al Shamsi during his working visit to UAE.

Asylov highlighted the significance of jointly resolving issues of combating crime and confronting modern challenges and threats, regularly exchanging the best work experience due to similar challenges and threats both countries face.

He touched upon some aspects of bilateral cooperation in criminal matters, particularly in the extradition of wanted persons and providing legal assistance in criminal cases.

The parties also discussed the UAE’s experience using artificial intelligence to search for and return illegally withdrawn assets.

Source: The Astana Times
